West Dive Rally

Jun 13 2014 Posted by Office Administraton

The Mayo Grainne Uaile Sub Aqua Club (GUSAC) is hosting a regional dive weekend from 18th -20th July.
We would like to extend a warm invitation to SAC’s from across the country to join us for the weekend and experience the best of what Mayo has on offer.

If you have not experienced diving in the crystal clear waters of Mayo before, then you’re in for a real treat. The spectacular rock formations, ship wrecks and the huge variety of marine life that exists ensures that there is something for everyone.

To ensure you get the most out of diving in Mayo, the GUSAC are willing and able to show and share our fabulous underwater terrain with clubs from around the country.

Killala will be the designated hub for the weekend activities as most dive excursions can go directly from Killala Pier or from proximities close by, depending on the weather reports for the weekend.
There will be boat spaces for individuals who can’t persuade their less enlightened club mates to come along for the weekend and we have several volunteers ready to go for a pint with any solo travelers so don’t be afraid of being excluded from the social activities either!

For clubs travelling with Boats, mooring and trailer parking facilities will be arranged close by.
An accommodation list is available whether you want to camp, book a B&B or rent a house for the weekend for the whole club.

In planning and preparing for this weekend we are requesting that any club wishing to attend should get in contact with GUSAC and where possible provide the following details:
· 1. Club Name

· 2. Contact Person

· 3. Expected Numbers + Diving Quals held (e.g . trainees, instructors etc.)

· 4. Boat Parking Required

· 5. Compressor

Your cooperation in this request will contribute to the overall enjoyment of the weekends diving experience for all participants.
See you in Killala, Kathy.

Contact details for Communications with GUSAC as follows:
Kathy McSharry, GUSAC PRO
Email:kathymcsharry@gmail.com Mobile: 087 9077248
Tanya Murphy, GUSAC Training Officer

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