Sheephaven SAC conducted is first step in recruiting the 2018 class of Trainee Divers when it held a Try-A-Dive in the Mevagh Dive Centre, Carrigart, Co. Donegal.
Thirteen Try-a-Divers turned up last Wednesday evening to have a go and were led though the process by the clubs’ Training Officers Anne Boyle and Eileen Coll.
The great turn out of Try-a-Divers was matched by a big response from club members who assisted Anne and Eileen both in the water and around the pool.
Each participant was led by an experienced club member in the water, while other divers assisted them with assembling their kit prior to the dive.
The Mevagh Dive Centre pool has a maximum depth of 3m and is both safe and warm, providing an excellent facility for potential new divers to get their first experience of Scuba diving and the club wishes to thank Donald Cullen for the use of facilities on the night.
Hopefully now that the participants have had their first Scuba experience it will encourage them to follow up with joining Sheephaven SAC as a Trainee Diver and from here the adventure begins.
On Friday last Sheephaven SAC held their Christmas Party in The Signing Pub, Downings, thanks to the organisation of the Club Entertainments Officer, Caroline Mc Gee.
It is the centre piece of the Sheephaven SAC social calendar and thanks once again to all involved in getting most of the club members together for one evening in the year.
Finally Sheephaven SAC provided safety divers on Saturday morning to assist in the Rathmullan Polar Plunge, which this year was undoubtedly a Proper Polar Plunge due the near Artic water conditions of a very challenging 6 degrees Celsius.
The safety divers were in the water to assist any of the participants who might find the cold water shock to be a bit too much and although fully kitted up even the divers felt the bite of the chilly Swilly water.
The event was well supported and of particular note were personnel from the Irish Army, who were escorted to the water by their own Piper, the Irish Coastguard who had a boat in the water and helicopter Rescue 118 that did a fly past and salute to the participants, while the Gardai jumped enmasse resplendent in their yellow day glow tops.