South East Regional Weekend

May 08 2013 Posted by Office Administraton

Feverish activity is taken place in the Southeast as preparations are in full swing for the forthcoming Dive Rally or as it is known in some quarters a Regional Weekend.
Grass in being cut, houses are getting a new coat of paint, roads are being cleaned up, it is all go down there.
For the event itself DO’s are being appointed, Coxswain’s are being named, Boats are being allocated, you might even have to book mooring space in the harbour that weekend.

There will be all kinds of diving and snorkelling, tours and table quizzes, barbecue’s and face painting and goodness knows what else. It is the place to be for the first weekend in July. All are welcome, divers and non divers, young and old. It will be a great weekend to come and visit the Sunny Southeast and if you are renting a house why not extend your holiday and stay a little longer.

Did you know that the first dive rally in Slade was organized by the Curragh SAC back in 1968 and members from the Curragh have fond memories of the area.
