New Executive for IUC

Mar 09 2017 Posted by Office Administraton

At the very successful Dive Ireland 2017 Expo the IUC held both our instructors conference and also our AGM. We are now delighted to announce the new executive for the IUC. We would like to send a heartfelt thank you to the outgoing members of the 2016 Executive all who put enormous dedication and work into their posts. They were Mike Orth, President, Martine Mc Carthy, National Snorkelling Officer, Alice O Sullivan, Secretary and Dr Gerard Bury, Medical Officer/



Executive Board



Contact Details

President Jean Kelleher
Vice President Ciaran Kissane
Secretary Sinead Burke
Treasurer Karen Bolger
National Diving Officer Dermot Moynihan   086 7968834
Publications Officer Shane Stanley
Public Relations Officer Derry O Donnell
  086 7968838
National Snorkelling Officer 086 7968852
National Childrens Officer  Fidelma Carroll
Medical Officer Dr Richard O Regan
Scientific Officer Claire Kavanagh


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