Minister Ring welcomes exemption from commercial rates for not-for-profit organisations

Nov 24 2014 Posted by Office Administraton

Friday 21 November;

Minister for State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring on Thursday welcomed the agreement to introduce an exemption from rates for not-for-profit organisations.The amendment to the Valuation (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2012, was agreed in Seanad Éireann, at Report Stage. Speaking; Minister Ring said: “I am delighted that agreement has been reached on introducing such an important amendment which will benefit local sports clubs. As Minister I have aimed to provide support for the grassroots and this is another step in the right direction for such organisations.”     This exemption will regularise the application of commercial rates for not-for-profit organisations.The Bill, which is due to be enacted in the New Year, will continue through the Houses of the Oireachtas.

*Clarification of Sports Club exemption
The second amendment is a clarification of the new exemption for Community Sport. The exemption will make buildings or part of buildings used for Community Sport exempt from rates but buildings or part of buildings used as a bar or for other commercial purposes will continue to be rated. In the Seanad debate it was suggested that minor income from the hire of a pitch or a hall would make non-commercial premises rateable. The further amendments proposed here will ensure that all clubs that enjoy an exemption under the “community hall” exemption will be no worse off than at present and minor income from community organisations or participants in community sport will not make a non-commercial premises rateable.