Leitrim SAC Club Notes

Nov 27 2017 Posted by Office Administraton


26th Nov 2017.

Leitrim SAC are affiliated to the Irish Underwater Council (or CFT as Gaelige) is the national governing body for recreational underwater sports in Ireland.

CFT regulates, promotes and trains divers and snorkel divers throughout the country. It was founded in 1963, starting with 6 clubs and has grown today to encompass 80 clubs throughout the island.

Last week Leitrim SAC held their AGM and the following is a synopsis of their Chairman’s 2017 Report.

After a great years diving in places like St Johns Point, Mullaghmore, Aughris Head and Killcummin Leitrim SAC also managed three Irish weekend away in Killybegs, Downings and  Mayo, along a week long foreign diving in Lanzerote.

Leitrim SAC now have seven new Search and Recovery divers and fingers crossed theyare waiting on Leader funding for SAR’s equipment.

Leitrim SAC dive all year round and welcome anyone to join them, normally on Sundays and Wednesday evenings.

They have just purchased a new 4 stroke Mercury 100hp and are putting it to good use already with a plan to run a Cox’n course in June, more info on this at the CFT North Region Dive Officer and Training Officers meeting on the 9th Dec in Donegal Bay SAC.

Leitrim SAC 2018 Committee: , Padraig Ruane, Chairperson; Colin Bell Secretary; Elvira Oehler, Treasurer; Gerry Gilroy, Diving Officer; Anne Ruane Snorkeling Officer; Dariusz Drews Training Officer; Paul Murphy Equipment Officer ; Ryan Gilroy: Child Liaison Officer.

For further information check out their Facebook page – Leitrim Sub Aqua Club – to see what they are about and book a Try a Dive with them.

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