Irish Diver smashes world record longest scubadive

Oct 09 2012 Posted by Office Administraton

Last night Paul Devane smashed the Guiness World Record for the “Longest Cold Salt-Water Scubadive” with a total time underwater of 13 hours and 4 minutes.

In 2009, his brother Declan Devane set the first Guinness World Record for the “Longest Cold Salt-Water Scubadive” (open sea) and in doing so both he and the team raised over €35,000 for two children’s cancer charities.

Declan set a time of 11hrs and 42mins without surfacing and without toilet breaks (unless that wasn’t water in his suit!).

In February of this year, 2012, a Maltese team broke this record, after their second attempt, by less than 1 hour.

Paul has completed this amazing feat in an effort to raise money for

1. Hand in Hand (, the children’s cancer charity, a non-profit organisation that provides the families of children with cancer with much-needed practical support.

2. The RNLI (, the charity that saves lives at sea and which operates in both the U.K. and Republic of Ireland.

You can find out more information about Paul and the team by visiting their website

or make a donation by clicking on the link below.