Don’t Miss the Dublin Regional Rally

Aug 19 2015 Posted by Office Administraton

The weather is great, the visibility in Dublin Bay is also great,  so while we have a pristine bay to dive in why not take the opportunity to see it at its best. This weekend the Dublin Regional Rally takes place and given the possibility of future dumping in the Bay this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Registration fee for the weekend has been reduced to only €5 on account of receiving a grant for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. This was achieved through the hard work of Yvonne Lynch, Alice O’Sullivan and Dermot Monyihan. It will cover registration for the weekend and the BBQ to be held at lunchtime in the DMYC on the Saturday of the weekend, at which a number of spot prizes will be awarded. What more could you ask for, come along, meet divers from near and far and enjoy all Dublin Bay has to offer – Open to members and non members alike.plakat2abcda

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