So why join us? Well besides for being the largest Scuba diving and Snorkel training provider in Ireland here are a number of other cool reasons why we think you should join us.
As a member you can look forward to:
- Being p
art of a community of like minded people who enjoy what you enjoy, we call them buddies! Being part of the IUC gives you access to not only dive with your club but also with our 70 other dive clubs around the country. From regional meet ups to shared boats on a Sunday, being part of the IUC means something more than just diving, its being part of the team.
- Full support as you embark on your new adventure through our network of clubs
- Full worldwide diving & snorkeling insurance
- Access to training courses at a fraction of commerical rates
- Access to a wide range of other activities such as Regional weekends, boat handling courses
- Full insurance cover for instructors
- Full administration support: We have an online system which each member and club can access. The office is always on hand to assist clubs when they need it.
- Access to wide range of other activities such as Underwater Hockey, photography, coxswain courses

There is also the advantage of being part of a National Governing Body of Sport which can help you when applying for grants. It you ( or your club ) are interested in joining the IUC then why not give us a call .
If you have diving experience already, great! we recognise most federations grades and offer free equivalence to our system