Child Protection Update

Dec 04 2017 Posted by Office Administraton

Child Protection Update

During the month of December two pieces of legislation will commence which may be of importance to you and your club.

From 11th December 2017, the remaining sections of the Children First Act 2015 Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, will commence. The newly commenced provisions of the Children First Act include roles of responsibility within clubs and mandated reporting.

All clubs with members who are under 18 or vulnerable adults should have a child protection statement and policy. The club should have a children officer and a mandated person (can be the same person) who oversees safe and good practice.

The Garda Vetting legislation is coming into effect as of 31 December, 2017. Clubs with juveniles/vulnerable adults need to ensure that anyone in their club working with juveniles/vulnerable adults on a regular basis must be Garda vetted through the Irish Underwater Council before 31 December 2017.

From 1 January 2018, anyone who will work with juveniles/vulnerable adults on a regular basis must be Garda vetted prior to the start of the work. Sports Ireland are preparing guidelines to support clubs with this legislation. Further information can be found on the tusla website, link below, or contact the National Children Officer, Fidelma Carroll using the following email address –