Portroe Dive Centre

Nov 26 2021 Posted by Office Administraton

University Skills Weekend

by Philip Farmer

This weekend saw the first university skills weekend being held in Portroe Dive Centre.

The event was run to support the university dive clubs to achieve certain speciality dives that require instructor support such as rescue lifts and deep dives.

There was then a rescue test held as part of the skills weekend on Sunday. Congratulations to all who passed with flying colours!

Overall it was a very successful weekend with a chance for all university clubs to get some great diving in and most importantly meet up with each other and chat after a long time due to covid.

This weekend saw the first university skills weekend being held in Portroe Dive Centre.

But it doesn’t end there. There was also a COVID delayed advanced nitrox course completed with members from the Dublin and South West regions taking part.


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