Snorkel Insturctor Cross-over Course

Apr 10 2013 Posted by Office Administraton


On the weekend of April 20-21st April CFT will be running a snorkel insturctor cross-over course in the south Dublin region. This cross-over course will give you the new skills, knowledge and fitness required to teach and instruct the new snorkel guide course in accordance with ISO standards.
The new snorkel guide and the updated snorkel instructor course has many new features including; new snorkel rescues, skills briefing cards and teach/assessing the New Snorkel Guide Course.  The Snorkel Guide Course is totally new and the first of its kind in Ireland.  The up dated Snorkel Instructor is designed in line with club instructor for scuba diving. The snorkel guide course is similar to a leading diver qualification.  This instructor cross-over course has been specifically designed for current snorkeling instructors within CFT.  The new instructor qualification is recognised by CFT and CMAS
To book a place on this course or for more information please feel free to contact me

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