Join the Adventure

Unmissable underwater coastal adventures

If you are interested in learning to Scuba Dive, Snorkel, Freedive or play Underwater Hockey our doors are always open to the complete beginner as well as the more experienced underwater enthusiast. Our objectives are to allow you to develop the skills required to excel at these amazing activities. Within a friendly, safe, professional and continually developing environment. We are passionate about the Underwater World and would love to teach new members these amazing skills.

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Try some of our amazing dives

Diving Ireland courses are ISO accredited, highlighting our professionalism, instruction skills and individual development.

Join a club in your region or venture somewhere new

Ireland has over 3000km of coastline which is world renowned in the diving community for its variety of marine life and ship wrecks. Join one of our clubs to explore more with us!

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Explore Our Dive Sites

Just select a region and click on the links to view a list of dive sites in that area. Ireland has over 3000km of coastline which is world renowned in the diving community.

Interested in joining a club!

We are passionate about the Underwater World and would love for you to join us! If you are interested in joining one of our clubs please contact us.

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