Go Membership online Membership System

May 04 2018 Posted by Office Administraton


Upcoming Go Live Date with Go Membership online Membership System

In December 2017 it was announced that the Irish Underwater Council would be moving on to bigger and better things with the modernisation of its online membership system. COMs, the custom built membership system has seen the Irish Underwater Council through its courses, renewal periods, dive rallies and medical requirements since 2010 and has proven its worth time and time again. However it is now time to modernise and GoMembership will offer our members a more user friendly experience as well as enable us to achieve one of our Key Deliverables in the Irish Underwater Council ‘Better Together’ Strategic Plan and the Operational plan for 2018.

The new GoMembership system is due to go live the week commencing the 14th May, prior to the implementation of the GDPR, and will enable the Irish Underwater Council to continue to offer excellent membership services to its members as well as ensure the Irish Underwater Council remain GDPR compliant.

Some of GoMembership’s deliverables are:

  • Member Management
  • Club Management
  • Course Administration
  • Online Payments for membership and courses
  • Direct Debit payments for membership and courses
  • Online Application for Qualifications and Credentials
  • Club Finder system
  • Member query system
  • Profiles for clubs/family/teams
  • Non-member Profiles for enquiries
  • Printing of membership cards at home

These are only some of the many modernisations that our membership system will undergo.

It is understood that as with any transition event for members there may be difficulties at the beginning but GoMembership is a user friendly system which enables our members to really personalise their profile and get as much or as little as they wish from the system.

We at IUC are looking forward to moving into the modern world with GoMembership and we are sure our membership will continue to thrive alongside this membership system.

Please keep an eye on the website for updates, walk-throughs and glimpses of the new system over the next two weeks.